April 28th 2024 Update

Talyn: Repose is up to ~117,500 words! I’m not sure how much longer it’ll be, but it could, theoretically, finish the rough draft this week. I’m doubtful, but it’s possible.

Beyond that, I’ve mostly been focusing on getting back into the groove of writing without letting myself push too far. Oh, I’ve been experimenting a bit, and my muse is running rampant, as usual, but nothing too big. The most interesting of the ideas she’s trying to tease me with is a variant on cultivation novels, but I doubt I’m going to give in to temptation in that regard. I have a lot to write, after all!

I’m likely to set up a pre-order for Talyn: Repose this coming week, with an August release date to start. I’ll move it up if scheduling permits, but until I have the rough draft done, I won’t know if I can finagle it in June/July. I also have a vacation planned for early June which will make things complicated. Anyway, that’s the size of things. Have a great week, everyone!

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