Other Art

This page is for art that doesn’t strictly belong in any of the other pages. Many of these may move, as I end up starting a series… or may not, when I forget to move them. Regardless, here are some more art pieces!

Illustrated by Thomas Rey

This is a world map of Senkar, the world of Soul Bound and Through the Fire, illustrated by Thomas Rey. Not much more to be said about it!

By Denny Ibnu
By Chaosringen/Hyde

These images are for a series I’m writing in the background. They’re two concept pieces of Ellinaya Shade, a heroine from an earlier age. The first book is currently titled Embers of War.

Here we have art I commissioned from Wooserr of the protagonists of my various settings sitting down to play in a tabletop RPG. From left to right we have Xandra, Evelyn, Joy, Sistina, Kitania, Ruethwyn, Lilith, and Emonael. I’m really happy with this piece!

This art is of a succubus named Solace I’d like to put into a book someday, and it was created by June Jenssen.

Second Contact Small

This art piece is by Clayscence, who created a stunning piece of Helen, from my short story/novella Second Contact! I really like how this one turned out.

This is Evelyn Whisper, also from Second Contact! The artist is Nyubo.

Andrea Esren LR
Raela Silversworn LR

These pieces are of Andrea Esren and Raela Silversworn of Broken Chains, currently merely a short story on this site. They were created by VezoniaArtz, who did a very nice job.

Touching Divinity Small

Created by June Jenssen, this is the cover for Touching Divinity, a short story I wrote and published in 2019. The characters are Callai on the left, and Siane on the right. I really like how the picture turned out, though I do wish that I could’ve used the version with white tattoos on Callai… alas, the book had already gone to the audiobook narrator by that point, so black it was.


Created by Michelle Hoefener, this piece is Jacqueline Heartreaver, one of the most powerful characters I’ve ever conceived of, and a quasi-villain of the world of Senkar. One day I’ll use this piece for a cover… I think.

Violet LR by Aizart

This piece is by Artertsma, and is of a character currently named Violet. The character was in one of my old stories, and I really want her to see the light of day sometime. That day is not today, alas.

Lady Anar Low Res
Noctis Varana LR by Indymbras

Created by Indymbra, these two pictures are of Lady Anar and Noctis, both characters from the rough draft of Sisters of Radiance, a story I dearly hope to come back to at some point in the future. Truthfully, these pictures were mostly commissioned as concept art for the future.


This is an even older version of Anar and Noctis, and was created by White-Anemone. The picture didn’t turn out the way I wanted to, but that’s entirely my own fault. I mis-interpreted the sketch, and didn’t offer corrections that would’ve gotten it to what I wanted. It’s a beautiful piece despite that.


This is Myrleena, one of my most beloved characters that I played in RPGs. Created by NanoTheFierce, who should have charged me more, it’s a piece I treasure specifically because she is one of my oldest, most beloved characters. One day I’ll get a better picture of her… but this is one of my favorites.

That’s all in this folder! For now.